About us
The ENRESS company was established in 2013. Its executives have got experience with mechanical recycling since 2004. Their activities have been focusing on development, production and servicing of technology for ecological disposal and thermochemical recycling of plastic waste as well other synthetic materials.
Our Enress team works closely with leading European universities, such as Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague or UNIVERSITY of J. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem, and with professional authorities such as ORLEN UniCRE, ORLEN Unipetrol RPA, DUSLO, BASF and others.
ENRESS is also a member of the WASTEN Cluster. Partners of the Wasten Cluster focus on processing of municipal and industrial waste and scientific research.
ENRESS has developed sophisticated TDU2000® technology. Enress TDU2000® technology - implemented in Enress’s devices - enables an efficient and ecologically clean method of thermochemical recycling and decomposition of plastic waste, tires and other materials, for which mechanical recycling is not enough efficient or cannot be used at all. Using this technology, Enress’s devices convert waste to energy and/or to new products, as are process oil, process gas and solid residue (carbon). The ENRESS TDU2000® technology thus allows further efficient and circulating use of not only of plastic waste or tires, but also of other synthetic organic materials, such as rubber, waste oils, medical waste and other.
The obtained process oil and gas can be used for energy production, electricity and heat/cold. The obtained process oil can be also used in the petrochemical industry; for example, for production of new plastics of the same quality, fuel additive and for production of fuels. Herewith, ENRESS TDU2000® technology enables a partial replacement of fossil resources - a significant reduction in the carbon footprint in production of new plastics.
Our devices using the TDU2000® technology can process 2,000 to 8,000 tons of waste per year and produce a significant amount of above-mentioned process products.
Enress devices are designed for stable operation with maximum emphasis on its safety, environmental friendliness, reliability and longevity, and can also be completely independent of external energy sources. Operation of the devices is waste-free, as all products newly obtained by thermochemical recycling can be used safely and meaningfully.
Thermochemical recycling of sorted plastic waste
The accumulation of the enormous amount of plastic waste produced worldwide has negative effects on the environment. Plastic and waste is a growing economic and environmental problem, and there is therefore a great need to process, recover and significantly reduce its current negative impact on the environment.
At present, only about 30% of plastic waste in Europe is recycled, which is mostly achieved just by mechanical recycling. Due to exponentially growing plastics production and the low recycling rate, plastic materials are therefore being wasted. That is why, the new technologies are needed for waste refining, especially for thermochemical recycling of the waste.
Thermochemical recycling methods could significantly increase the share of recycling of the plastic waste.
With thermochemical recycling method we can recycle the mixtures of plastics as well, what is not possible just with the mechanical recycling. Thermochemical recycling offers an ecological alternative to methods of harmful incineration or landfilling.
Thermochemical recycling is going to play an important role in converting plastic waste into valuable hydrocarbons, which can be easily converted into fuels in petrochemical processes, or for the production of chemical monomers, from which primary plastics can be produced again. In each case, it is just a point of replacing fossil resources and significantly reducing the carbon footprint by up to 40% compared to similar oil use and processing.
The sophisticated technical solution of current thermochemical recycling technologies enables to process a wide range of waste plastics in a mixture way. The result is a liquid product of stable required quality.
Thermochemical recycling of plastic waste is a recognized tertiary raw material recycling route in which plastic waste materials are processed back into the production of basic monomers that can be used as a raw material for further production of new plastics or fuels.
A detailed analysis of the products obtained from thermochemical plastic recycling provides data on the suitability of the process and the influence of process conditions on the compatibility of the raw material produced from conventional fossil raw petroleum material.
ENRESS TDU2000® Technology
The ENRESS TDU2000® technology is designed for thermochemical recycling of waste synthetic organic materials.
ENRESS TDU2000® technology is safe for the environment and the operator, emission-free and in all respects environmentally friendly.
With thermochemical recycling - using the TDU2000® technology, we mainly process the following types of waste:
• plastic waste
• tires
• waste oils
• healthcare waste
• car windows
• composite and laminated plastic materials
• sludges from sewage treatment plants, and others ……
The output products of the thermochemical waste recycling using TDU2000® technologies are:
• liquid recycled (pyrolysis oil)
• gas
• solid inert carbon residue
The ENRESS TDU2000® technology works on the principle of anaerobic thermal decomposition, in which the following three components are formed with the following possible uses:
Liquid recyclate
• raw material for the production of new plastics
• substitute for diesel, fuel
• replacement of fossil resources in refineries
• production of electricity
• thermal energy production
• cold production
• clean fuel for electricity production
Carbon inert residue
• effective sorbent
• soil water sorbent and carrier of NPK components
• solid alternative fuel

The ENRESS 750 device is designed for disposal and thermochemical recycling of plastic waste.
It offers an ecologically and economically attractive method of waste liquidation as well material and energy utilization of with this technology obtained products.
Using thermal decomposition, we can thermally decompose plastic crumb at a rate of 700 kg / hour, i.e., the annual production capacity is 5,600 tons per year.
With thermal decomposition of plastic waste, we obtain products such as liquid recyclate (pyrolysis oil), gas and solid carbon. We also use these products for the production of new plastics, fuel additives, for the production of electricity and heat or cold and as a replacement for fossil resources in refineries. We use the carbon residue in other industries.
The ENRESS 1000 device is designed for disposal and thermochemical recycling of tires and other synthetic organic waste materials.
It offers an ecologically and economically attractive method of disposal as well material and energy utilization of the obtained products.
With the help of thermal decomposition, we can thermally decompose crushed tires in the amount of 1000 kg / hour, i.e. an annual production capacity of 8,000 tons / year in continuous operation with a working time fund of 8,000 hours / year.
By thermal decomposition of tires, we obtain products: liquid recyclate (pyrolysis oil), gas and solid carbon residue. We also use these products for the production of new plastics, fuel additives, as a replacement for fossil resources in refineries, and further for the production of electricity and heat or cold. We use the carbon residue in other industries.
For more information on the non-energy potential and more, click here
Research & development, Expert-chemist
Email: doc.baciak(at)enress.eu